For the last 2 years, this beautiful dog has been with my husband 24 hours a day. They are more than just partners. As a K9 wife, I've even felt jealous because their bond is so strong and the amount of time he spends training with this animal. He trains with him daily outside of his work hours. He rides next to him for 10+ hours a day in a unit. He sleeps in a kennel beside my husband's head. They've competed in K9 trial and received 3rd place out of 64 dogs.
They are without a doubt an incredible team. Bady is our family. Our lives have been based around this animal and what's best for him since the day that he came home as a puppy.
In a heated race for Sheriff, my husband chose to support the challenger to the hand-picked replacement for the current sheriff. This decision has created heartbreaking and devastating political retribution for him and our family.
Yesterday my husband, Inyo County Sheriff's Deputy Reuben Bradley, went to work and was told Bady was being removed from him. No warning, no reason. My husband has never been disciplined or warned due to any behavior with Bady. This unfair and harsh decision was completely politically motivated, and has left my husband and our entire family broken. One of our children rushed to the vet to see Bady, but missed him by minutes and left in tears. As sad as we all are, we know that Bady is likely going through even worse, locked in a tiny, cold kennel - unable to do what he was trained to do, with the only person who knows how to handle him.
Now, through social media, the sheriff is accusing my husband of K9 training violations - which is completely fabricated and totally outrageous.
This horrible, political decision must be changed. The election is June 5th, so please sign my petition to reunite Bady with his officer and put him back to work immediately. Tell retiring Inyo County Sheriff Lutze and his hand-picked replacement, Undersheriff Hollowell that this unfair political retribution must end!
I don't wish to seek sympathy. I just pray that people see others for who they are and that you know who you are backing at the end of the day. My husband is a good man. My husband puts his career before anything, after God. Being his wife is easy because I see how much he loves what he does. There's an animal sitting in a steel box tonight with no idea of when he gets to come home simply because someone felt like punishing his partner for his vote.
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