Make Britain fur free! #FurFreeBritain!

HSI UK logoJoin us in calling for a #FurFreeBritain!

The government ordered the last UK fur farm to close its doors back in 2003, but we're now importing fur cruelty from overseas. The unnecessary suffering of animals for fur fashion is deplorable, whether the animal involved is a cat, a dog or a seal, whose fur is already banned from UK trade by EU regulations, or a coyote, a fox or a raccoon dog, whose fur is currently still allowed. 

Opinion polls show continually high levels of public disapproval of fur, regardless of species – more than 80% believe that it's unacceptable to buy and sell animal fur in this country. Let's close our borders to the cruel, unnecessary, outdated fur trade, and lead the way as the world's first fur-free nation! 

Please sign our petition calling on government not only to retain a UK import ban on cat, dog and seal fur, but also to establish a sales ban to cover the pelts of all animals killed for their fur.

Please end all cruel fur sales

Dear Ministers,

I am completely opposed to the immense suffering caused to more than 100 million animals each year in the international fur trade. I support Humane Society International's campaign to ban fur sales in the UK and create a #FurFreeBritain.

Inflicting cruelty on animals for frivolous fashion is deplorable. We should close our borders to this cruel trade, reflecting the view of more than 80% of Brits who believe that it's unacceptable to buy and sell animal fur in this country. More and more countries are following the UK's lead and banning fur farming: banning fur sales would once again show the UK as a world leader on animal protection.

Please commit, not only to retain a UK import ban on cat, dog and seal fur, but also to establish a sales ban to cover the pelts of all animals killed for their fur.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Uppdatera #75 månader sedan
Disturbing video evidence of extreme animal suffering on multiple fur farms in China has been released by HSI, including a disturbing revelation that the meat from slaughtered fur animals is being sold to local restaurants for human consumption. Please sign and share this petition now, and read the press release here.
Uppdatera #69 månader sedan
HSI and four other leading animal rights groups delivered 1 million signatures on #FurFreeBritain petitions to the Prime Minister to demand a ban on fur sales! Now, we need to show politicians that we aren't letting up, pressure is only mounting! Share this petition with all your friends to send a clear message: no more cruel fur sales in the UK!
Uppdatera #44 år sedan
A recent opinion poll shows 72% of the British public would support a UK ban on the import and sale of animal fur. Please share this petition and read more to help end fur cruelty in 2021.
Uppdatera #35 år sedan
BREAKING: Prada Group goes fur-free. We are celebrating as Prada Group drops fur to “meet the demand for ethical products”. Read more on the HSI website here.
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