Cancel the Bear Show at the Washington Fair

Since 1872, Washington, Missouri has hosted the "Town & Country Fair". The Fair Board has chosen for the first time in the modern history of the fair to feature a wild animal act - Welde's Big Bear Show. This petition was set up by members of the community who are appalled at the thought of wild animals being used for entertainment purposes.

The Washington Town & Country Fair Board -

(the undersigned) oppose the appearance of Welde's Big Bear Show at the 2005 Washington
Town & Country Fair.  We strongly
feel that the exploitation of wild animals for commercial profit is not
necessary either to educate the public regarding endangered species or is
required to have fun at the fair.   

would like the Fair Board to know that we will not be attending the bear show
and why. The fair's support of this show is perpetuating the abuse of wild
creatures. These displays operate under the guise that they are
"educating" the public about animals, but nothing could be farther
from the truth. Forcing animals to perform unnatural tricks demeans them and
reveals nothing about their true nature. In addition, these performances glamorize
the private ownership of exotic animals and induces the public to obtain wild
animals as pets, thereby fueling the exotic animal trade. Since a steady supply
of cute babies is needed to serve as stage props, the practice also perpetuates
the breeding of these magnificent creatures.

cancel this show and refrain from booking similar shows in the future.


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