Demand the END OF WILDLIFE HUNTING! Innocent animals beig hunted for sport and unneeded clothing apparel!

  • av: Anonymous
  • mottagare: Robin Naidoo, Ph.D.

People all over the world have used hunting as a "fun" sport as well as selling and trading furs for clothing, rugs and accessories. These animals are becoming extinct because of the way we abuse our power. The animals only defense is their teeth and claws; we have guns, crossbows, knives as well as instruments to make us sound like them to lure them out of hiding. There are ways to prohibit these poor creatures from reaching into our livestock or communities. Build a better fence, you see a wild animal in the area? Avoid it, go hide if you believe it to be dangerous. They are more afraid of us than we are of them. Humanity instinctively provokes the animal kingdom. We keeps tearing down their homes, basically forcing them into communities and cities. Polluting their water and what's left of their homes. I'm getting of topic here, my point is there are many ways to ensure the safety of these animals and ourselves that doesn't involve bloodshed. Please help them by signing this, no one deserves to be hunted to satisfy another's bloodlust or greed for money.

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