Tell Sarah Palin: Don't Reject Energy Efficiency Funds!
- av: Care2
- mottagare: Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is at it again -- this time, she's the only governor in America to reject almost $29 million in federal stimulus money slated for energy efficiency programs in her state.
The money is there for states to strengthen building codes, prioritize energy efficiency and renewable energy and incentivize energy savings for customers -- but Governor Palin is rejecting this environmentally sound plan and the money that comes with it for no good reason.
The future of this planet depends on everyone -- including residents of Alaska -- to start conserving energy now! And the best way to get started is through government-funded programs like the state energy grants Governor Palin just rejected.
Tell Governor Palin: Our planet should not be a pawn in your political game! Accept the $29 million to get a better energy efficiency program going in Alaska.
Dear Governor Palin,
I am appalled that you would reject almost $29 million in federal stimulus money slated for energy efficiency programs in your state. Please reverse your decision and accept the money for Alaska.
They money has been made available for states to strengthen building codes, prioritize energy efficiency and renewable energy and incentivize energy savings for customers. The future of this planet depends on everyone -- including residents of Alaska -- to start conserving energy now! And the best way to get started is through government-funded programs like the state energy grants you just rejected.
[Your comment here]
Our planet should not be a pawn in your political game! Accept the $29 million to get a better energy efficiency program going in Alaska.
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