Save America's Ribbon Seals!
- av: Care2
- mottagare: Dr. Jane Lubchenco, NOAA
The ribbon seal's Arctic habitat is rapidly melting because of global warming -- but President Obama's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has so far upheld President Bush's refusal to list them as threatened or endangered.
When they're born, ribbon seal pups can't swim -- nor can they survive the icy cold waters of the Arctic until they've formed a layer of blubber. So ribbon seal mothers give birth to and nurse their pups on the sea ice, until the pups' soft white hair (called languo) sheds and they naturally form their layer of blubber.
But with global warming comes melting sea ice in the Bering and Chukchi Seas -- and by extension, the disappearance of the habitat they need to reproduce. Only 200,000 of the ribbon seals remain globally, so they need federal threatened or endangered protection immediately!
Urge Dr. Jane Lubchenco, head of NOAA, to reverse the Bush administration decision and list the ribbon seal as threatened or endangered!
Dear Dr. Lubchenco,
I am dismayed that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has upheld the Bush administration's refusal to list the ribbon seal as threatened or endangered. With only 200,000 seals left globally -- 100,000 of whom reside in the Bering Sea -- we must do everything we can to protect this magnificent creature.
When they're born, ribbon seal pups can't swim -- nor can they survive the icy cold waters of the Arctic until they've formed a layer of blubber. So ribbon seal mothers give birth to and nurse their pups on the sea ice, until the pups' soft white hair (called languo) sheds and they naturally form their layer of blubber.
But global warming is threatening the sea ice the ribbon seal needs to reproduce -- making it all the more imperative that we act immediately to protect the species!
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Thank you in advance for your support of listing the ribbon seal as threatened or endangered.
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