Ban Use of Chimps in Research; Transfer Them to Florida Chimp Sanctuary

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and University of Louisiana System President Sandra Woodley

The use of animals like the chimpanzee is an ongoing issue and we want to ensure these practices stop.  Such is the case regarding the University of Louisiana’s Ms. Woodley concerning two special chimps, Hercules and Leo at the Stony Brook University on Long Island.  They are under the jurisdiction of the Iberia Research Center in Louisiana

The NHRP (Non-human Rights Project) is adamant in ensuring that animals like these, used in laboratory research, be rescued from such a life and placed in a healthy, reputable sanctuary.  Chimpanzees Hercules and Leo deserve a much better life like that at the Save the Chimps sanctuary in South Florida. These poor animals have endured the abuse of experimentation for six long years and need to be saved from such unnatural conditions and abuse.

NHRP has worked to free other chimps in such situations like Tommy and Kiko in New York. Read

We want to lend our support through the efforts of this petition in an effort to free these and all chimps currently being used in laboratory research and ensure they be rescued and moved to a healthy, reputable sanctuary.  You can help us in our efforts to save Leo and Hercules by signing and sharing this petition.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and University of Louisiana System President Sandra Woodley – We strongly urge you to remove Hercules & Leo from University research and move them to the healthy reputable facility, Save the Chimps sanctuary in South Florida where they can live out the rest of their lives in a healthy environment away from abuse.

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