Stop Deporting the Mentally Ill

Many immigrants in the United States -- who are unfit for trial due to severe mental illness -- are sent from their homes in Northeastern cities to a detention facility in South Texas.

After leaving their medication, the health professionals who know their cases, and all of their medical records behind: these immigrants are then forced into deportation hearings without legal council.

The deportation of those too sick to even stand trial is immoral, and takes clear advantage of the weakest members of our society. One deported immigrant's sister describes the pain: "My mother is devastated. She says he will die out there in the streets."

This is one more reason we need comprehensive immigration reform. Tell Congress to pass immigration reform that respects immigrants' basic human rights!

Dear [Decision Maker]

I am appalled by the inhumane treatment given to mentally ill immigrants in the United States. I recently learned that many immigrants -- after being deemed unfit for trial because of severe mental illness -- are being sent thousands of miles from their homes, medical records, and health care professionals. These immigrants are then deported without legal council!

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

This is inhumane, simply wrong, and the effect of a quota system that puts intense pressure on immigration agents and judges.

On February 22nd, James M. Chaparro -- Chief of Detention and Removal Operations for Immigration and Customs Enforcement -- congratulated his department on deporting 150,000 immigrants this past year. Chaparro also noted that their goal was 400,000 and encouraged the use of more detention slots.

Please stop the use of quotas and the inhumane practice of denying health care and deporting mentally ill immigrants!
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