Stop Iceland's Cruel Whale Slaughter

Iceland's whalers have killed 148 endangered fin whales and 60 minke whales this year, in the very waters where tourists go to marvel at these gigantic creatures.

Whaling is cruel, unnecessary and doesn't make sense economically. Whale watching generates more than $15 million a year for coastal communities in Iceland - a humane, sustainable and profitable alternative to whaling.

Tell Hjálmar W. Hannesson, Iceland's Ambassador to the U.S., you want Iceland to end whaling and work instead to protect its valuable whale watching industry.
Dear Ambassador,

I am writing to urge your government to end whaling. It is not a profitable industry and research shows that few people in Iceland eat whale meat. This cruel and outdated activity is damaging Iceland's international reputation and could potentially damage Iceland's tourist industry.

More than 100,000 tourists spend $15 million a year in Iceland's coastal communities, showing that whales are worth more alive than dead.

Whaling is inherently cruel with independent scientific research proving it can take more than half an hour for a harpooned whale to die -- this is unacceptable in a civilized society.

Failing to protect Iceland's whales by continuing this cruel activity could damage prospects for EU membership.

The new government has an opportunity to put an end to the activities of the few remaining whalers and show Iceland as a progressive, conservation-minded country.

The world is watching. Please act now. Tell your government to end commercial whaling in Iceland once and for all and protect Iceland's valuable whale watching industry.
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