On November 30th 2016, the lease expired for our beloved Errol's Bakery which has served the Flatbush community for the last 15 years. On December 16th, a judge extended their lease until February 2017.
The owners of Errol’s, Dorothy and Errol Miller, want their landlord, 2 Hawthorne Street LLC/Rothstein Management to give them a 10-year lease and are willing to raise their rent $1500 more a month in order to stay at their current location at 661 Flatbush Ave. The Millers are good, hardworking people who have never missed a rental payment in 15 years.
Currently NYC commercial tenants are not guaranteed lease renewals and face exorbitant rent increases. This is why activists are fighting for the passing of The Small Business Jobs Survival Act – SBJSA which “supports a 10-year minimum lease, with equal negotiating power as the landlord for new terms".
In the meantime, Flatbush is rapidly losing long-time small & family-owned businesses due to gentrification. This is why it is so important to support Errol's Bakery and other long-time small businesses in our neighborhood.
We, the undersigned are calling on Rothstein Management to “DO THE RIGHT THING” and GIVE Dorothy and Errol Miller of Errol’s Bakery, a 10-year lease at $1500 increase.
Our community appreciates the amazing Caribbean food and service. We want Errol's Bakery to stay where it is and to thrive for more years to come.
#SaveErrolsBakery #ThisIsFlatbush #LittleCaribbean #Beforeitsgone #TakeItBack #BrooklynisNotforSale #WeLoveErrols
If you are a Brooklyn residential or commercial tenant or homeowner experiencing harassment or need housing, legal or organizing resources please contact Equality for Flatbush at: info@equalityforflatbush.org or call /text (646)820-6039
En Español: EnEspanol@equalityforflatbush.org or call/text (513) 445-8532
En Kréyol: EnKreyol@equalityforflatbush.org or call/text (707) 200-3692
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