mottagare: Matthias Müller, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG
In 2014, German automakers — including Volkswagen, BMW, and Daimler — conducted a horrific experiment to prove that newer models of diesel vehicles were less pollutive than older, smokier models. A huge scandal broke when it was discovered that Volkswagen had rigged the experiment so that the Beetle being used produced levels of pollution much lower than they actually would be on the road. Volkswagen pleaded guilty to federal fraud and conspiracy charges and was forced to pay more than $26 billion in fines.
Unfortunately, the scandal didn't end there. According to a new report by the New York Times, Volkswagen enclosed ten monkeys in an airtight space and pumped in fumes from the diesel Volkswagen Beetle to gauge the effects of diesel.
Please sign this petition asking Volkswagen to pledge to never use animals in research again and donate money to an organization that rescues animals from research testing.
Testing on animals is abhorrent as it is, but even more so considering Volkswagen rigged the experiment, completely invalidating the results in the first place. These monkeys were forced to inhale dangerous diesel exhaust for four hours for no reason.
Volkswagen needs to take responsibility for this sickening experiment. Please sign now and demand that Volkswagen right this cruel and horrific wrong.
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
According to Thomas Steg, VW’s chief lobbyist, Volkswagen is pledging to never test with animals again. That's a step in the right direction, but we still need Volkswagen to establish a clear company policy against animal testing and donate. Please share this petition to keep the pressure on Volkswagen to do the right thing.