No Ocean Drilling off the North Carolina Coast!
Drilling for oil and gas off North Carolina’s coast presents significant risks with little reward. Tell the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) that you don't want offshore drilling off our coast.
The coast's tourism, recreation, and fishing industries would be significantly threatened by offshore drilling activities. Endangered species, such as the loggerhead sea turtle and right whale, could be put at risk if drilling activities move forward.
Take action today and help us show BOEM that North Carolinians don’t want offshore drilling off our beautiful natural coast.
To the Bureau of Ocean Energy and Management:
Please do not open North Carolina’s coast to offshore drilling. I am very worried about the potential impacts an inevitable spill could have on our environment and natural resources. Our coastal region is home to a rich variety of coastal and marine ecosystems, and supports a number of endangered and threatened species including the loggerhead sea turtle, the piping plover, the sperm whale and the humpback whale.
Please protect our coast and the endangered and threatened species that call our region home.
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