Prosecute the Hayward Rabbits Abuser

  • av: C. Cwynar
  • mottagare: Tom Rogers, District Attorney
This petition to the District Attorney of Hayward CA asks for vigorous prosecution of accused rabbit abuser, Janine Marie Cazares.
Dear Mr. Tom Rogers,

On May 12, 2004, 28 rabbits were rescued from the Janine Marie Cazares' property in
Hayward Ca. Their appalling physical condition was evidence of extreme neglect. Their
bodies were weak and emaciated, and covered in urine, feces, and infected wounds. They
were surrounded by the decaying bodies of those who had already died in this suffering.

Despite being deprived of basic sustenance and veterinary care, 28 rabbits managed to survive.
On behalf of these 28 surviving rabbits, and for the allegedly 10 years' worth of countless others,
we, the undersigned, ask that you vigorously prosecute Janine Marie Cazares (Case #378403),
to the fullest extent of the law. We further ask that, upon conviction, you seek maximum sentencing
for Cazares, including incarceration, fines, mandatory psychiatric therapy, and that she never again
be permitted to own animals of any kind.

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