Outlaw Bobcat Trapping in California!

In California, it is still legal to trap and kill an unlimited number of bobcats during the trapping season each winter. The rising overseas demand for bobcat pelts, particularly in China and Russia, is driving up fur prices and causing a boom in bobcat trapping in California, including on the boundaries of national parks.

Last season, more than 1,800 bobcats were reported killed in California. The number will only increase if nothing is done.

Assembly Member Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) has introduced a bill to ban the commercial trapping and sale of bobcats in California. Please take a moment and contact your state senator -- let them know that you strongly support A.B. 1213, the Bobcat Protection Act of 2013.
Dear [Your Senator will be inserted here],

I urge you to support A.B. 1213 (Bloom), the Bobcat Protection Act of 2013. I am appalled that hundreds of California's native bobcats are trapped and killed each year for sale of their skins in the international fur trade. With increasing demand for bobcat fur in China and Russia, California's bobcats are being increasingly exploited for commercial gain. This year numerous bobcats were killed just outside Joshua Tree National Park, a practice that is not only inhumane but harms the ecology of a national treasure and undermines the natural beauty that makes California such a special place to live and visit.

[Your comments will be inserted here]

I strongly support A.B. 1213 by Assembly Member Richard Bloom, which would ban the commercial trapping and sale of bobcats in California. I ask that you vote for A.B. 1213 and do everything you can to end bobcat trapping in our state.
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