Make Nalts the CEO of

We are petitioning Chad Hurley of YouTube to make Nalts a CEO.
Youtube needs Nalts to be the CEO for several reasons.
First:  To enact the YouTube Pay for Uploads Act so that YouTubers can get paid for their videos based on popularity.
Second:  To ensure that quality videos with quality content are the only videos to be uploaded to YouTube.
Third:  To give Wife of Nalts the power and control she deserves on YouTube.
Fourth:  To open up the files of the GooTube Conspiracy and satisfy Nalts' need for information.
Youtube needs Nalts to be the CEO for several reasons.
First:  To enact the YouTube Pay for Uploads Act so that YouTubers can get paid for their videos based on popularity.
Second:  To ensure that quality videos with quality content are the only videos to be uploaded to YouTube.
Third:  To give Wife of Nalts the power and control she deserves on YouTube.
Fourth:  To open up the files of the GooTube Conspiracy and satisfy Nalts' need for information.
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