Help Keep Pets and Their People Together

Have you ever had a pet whose love and devotion pulled you through a tough time?

Chloe was that savior for Robert*. So when she needed help, Robert was determined to save her, even though he couldn't pay for her care. That's why he reached out to HSSV. Robert's not alone. Right now, over 10,000 people in Santa Clara Valley are experiencing homelessness. And 1 in 3 households don't earn enough to support their basic needs. Our community needs us.

Robert brought his little Yorkie to us last summer when one of our mobile wellness clinics — a key part of our Keeping Families Together initiative — visited his supportive housing site. Robert had neither the tools nor the money to groom Chloe's long coat, and she had become severely matted. But we were concerned there might be other problems under all that fur.

Robert was reluctant to let Chloe out of his sight so we could transfer her to our onsite medical facility, but with a lot of reassurance, he entrusted her to us. Once we shaved her down, a terrible problem revealed itself: she had a life-threatening infection in her hind leg. We explained the crisis to Robert, who only wants the best for Chloe, and he consented to us taking her in for lifesaving surgery.

Last year, with the help of our human services partners, HSSV hosted 150 community wellness clinics like the one Robert visited. Whether we're set up at a library, supportive housing site, homeless encampment, or anywhere else, we create a supportive, judgment-free environment and warmly welcome each client.

And when we can keep pets with the people who love them, we're not just supporting families. We're keeping dogs and cats out of overcrowded shelters — giving more animals a chance to find homes.

*We've changed the name of Chloe's owner to protect his privacy.
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