Don't Let Big Oil Off the Hook

Fishing boats are docked, seafood prices are skyrocketing and oil is still washing up on the shores throughout the Gulf Mexico. We may not know the full impact of the BP oil rig explosion, yet one thing is clear: the oil spill is BP's fault and they should pay for the harm they're causing.

The current law puts a $75 million cap on how much an oil company has to pay in the event of a disaster. Unfortunately, the fishing communities, restaurant owners, tourism industry and other individuals affected by the oil spill have already lost more.

Urge the U.S. Senate to pass strong legislation that will lift this cap, and make BP and other multi-billion dollar polluters responsible for the damages their disasters have on our communities, environment and shared resources.

Dear [Decision Maker],

Our communities in the Gulf of Mexico are suffering from the recent oil spill, and will be for decades. BP has demonstrated that capping a spill is not easy to accomplish. Removing the cap on BP's liability should be easier.

[Your comment will be inserted here]

BP and other oil companies who make billions of dollars in profits off of our natural resources must be held responsible for all of the damages their disasters have on our communities, environment and our shared resources.

Please support legislation to end the current $75 million cap on oil company liability. The fishing communities, restaurant owners, tourism industry and other individuals affected by this disaster have lost more than this much already and will lose more in the days, months and years to come.

I look forward to your response.
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