Environmental and Economic Concerns United for a Sustainable USA

There are millions of Americans thinking and working toward a sustainable future. We can no longer wait for Washington to catch up. The purpose of this proposal is to initiate Constitutional change that will create and support a new US economy that is sustainable. Included in this proposal is an outline for proposed Sustainable USA amendments to the Constitution. By signing you are endorsing the fundamental structure, ideas and goals that are presented in the proposal.

The environmental and economic goals of these amendments work in concert. This first amendment is a mandate (like a balanced budget amendment) stipulating that our nation maintain a quality water supply; In perpetuity.

Amendment 2 adopts, nearly verbatim, the 1994 Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights. – This creates the feedback mechanism for interactive, public website access to debates concerning environmental / economic issues. The additional amendments outline tax credits and infrastructure to support this sustainable economic machinery. This will create many jobs while weaning us off our fossil fuel dependencies.

It is the people that are the heart of a democracy. We are all in this together. This initiative is a rallying point for everyone who advocates: sustainability, water, energy and natural resource conservation; alternative energy solutions; fairness, integrity, and World Peace.

By signing this petition you’re sending a message to Congress that We, The People, are set about our patriotic duty to initiate sweeping changes toward a sustainable future for the United States of America.

Dear Congressmen,

We, The People of the United States of America are calling on you and all your forward thinking colleagues to initiate sweeping changes to the US Constitution towards a sustainable future for the USA.

We know that many of our representatives from both Houses of Congress are people of high intelligence and integrity. Unfortunately, the apparent majority are so deeply embedded in the quagmire of special interests that they have become completely stagnant or worse. The current administration has made it painfully obvious that this country’s resources, future, and reputation can be usurped for private gain.

We feel we can no longer wait for Washington to right these wrongs and get this country back on the track towards a realistic future. "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government." ( from the Declaration of Independence) We urge you and your colleagues to take the legislative lead, and together we will reinvent this democracy of, and for the people.

Outline for proposed Sustainable USA Amendments to the Constitution:

1. This first amendment is a mandate (like a balanced budget amendment) for the nation to maintain a quality water supply; In perpetuity.

2. Amendment 2 adopts, nearly verbatim, the 1994 Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights. – This creates the feedback mechanism for interactive public website access to debates concerning environmental issues. (http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/envision/env_reg/ebr/english/ebr_info/structure.htm)

3. Tax credits and subsidies for individuals, businesses, and municipalities converting to energy and water efficiency systems.


3A. In support of amendment 3 it will be necessary to establish criteria for energy and water efficiency levels.(many engineering resources are available: ex. Rocky Mountain Institute of Colorado and Japan for Sustainability)

3B. In support of amendment 3 it will be necessary to mandate new plumbing codes for the utilization of ‘grey’ water (water recycling) and other water efficiency techniques.

4. Each unique ‘area’ of the country will work, in conjunction, with the federal mandates to create and implement a structure for increased resource efficiency.

4A. The structures for increased resource efficiency should make use of every applicable alternative energy source (including, but not limited to: wind, solar, wave, bicycle powered generators, the human foot, etc.)

4B. At the heart of every resource management program is the reduction in non-essential energy and resource consumption.

4C. Wherever possible, municipalities will establish centrally located (organic) farms to decrease the need for long distance transportation of produce. – (Organic to decrease the toxic load on the water cycle)

4D. The government shall aid in the research and conversion of all farms (small and large scale) to true organic practices.

In addition to these proposed amendments: We, The People:

Need to create new incentives, like tax-defferred Government Bonds, for the wealthy to invest in the future of this country. And, to aid that incentive, we will also need to get realistic about a graduated tax that reaches towards a very high rate for incomes in excess of 300 times the poverty level..

There is a website (http://sustainableusa.planetjordan.com/) where editorial suggestions and additions to these proposals may be presented for debate. As this initiative pushes towards real legislation, coherent democratic discussion of its content will be vital. If we want this government to lead in a positive direction, we have to prove it is possible.

We are commited to working towards a realistic, sustainable future. If significant steps are not taken soon, America will continue its fall from grace, and we can only hope that good leadership arises from some other country. We would like to be proud of America once again. We won’t stop trying.

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