Stop China from the continuing slaughter of dogs and cats

  • av: Linda Rogers
  • mottagare: Xuan Chaun, Beijing 2008 Olympics

China has citizens there and people on every continent up in arms over China's mandate to the residents to turn in their dogs to police no later than March 16th.  After that date, if dogs are not turned in they will be taken by police-force.  The pets along with every stray are going to be slaughtered to what they believe will eliminate the city's rabies problem.  The saddest part of this story is it has been going on for quite some time.

They're all they have

From Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Hong Kong- All pet dogs will be killed in a district of the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing as part of an anti-rabies campaign, the government said.
Residents of the city's Wanzhou district have until March 15 to hand over their dogs, according to a directive seen Wednesday on the district's official Web site.
"All dogs in the area should be killed.  A compulsory cull phase will begin after March 16.  The forced cull will be carried out by the police." the directive said.
The statement said government guard dogs and those animals kept for research institutions, military and commercial purposes would be spared.
Officials have rounded up dogs in other cities, such as Bejing, as they crack down on strays and unregistered pets.
A spokesman at Wanzhou's Health Department refused to comment about the cull.  Hong Kong's South China Morning Post newspaper on Wednesday quoted a Wanzhou health official, Ran Hua, as saying the move would combat rabies in the area.  He said three cases have been reported within the last year, and the paper said one person died last month.
On August 9, 2006 The Humane Society of the United States offered China $100,00 to vaccinate dogs against rabies if it promises to immediately stop their mass slaughter in areas where humans have died from the disease.  (News also from  But it appears that the offer has not been accepted.  A month prior to The Humane Society's offer, a county in the southern province of Yunnan physically beat to death more than 50,000 dogs.
These killings have continued since where one statement has reported that 5,400 dogs were clubbed to death on an average day.

I have included links to videos.  Please, be aware that they are quite hard to watch.  It is a tale of a country that has taken the very lazy and barbaric way out of a problem that can be compassionately solved.  While these animals are plucked off of the streets, they have also been taken out of their homes, out of their owner's arms, even while out walking them.
The links are as follows: 
Song for dogs in China
Olympic Bloody Games
Dog and Cat Killing Fields of China
Please, please, remember these videos are quite graphic, especially the last one.  But, these are events that are happening today. 
This is what signatures are needed for.  It is too late to save what has happened, but we can save the future generations of dogs and cats.  The petitions will be sent to each and every known Chinese newspapers and broadcasting website.  They will also be sent to the Bejing 2008 Olympic website as well. 
What we want is simple.  Implement a plan for all animals to receive vaccinations, a policy for all people to register their pets along with the proper vaccinations, if the laws are not being followed : fine the owners, do not murder the innocent.  If any animal is found to have rabies to implement humane ways of putting the individual animal down, not every animal within a certain mile radius.  As far as animals being used as food there are humane ways of slaughter.
Signera petitionen
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