Justice for dogs drowned in sewer in Jourdanton, Texas

Request for termination of city employee Chantan Morin and for immediate investigation of city animal services practices and management.

For his reprehensible order to drown 6 stray dogs in a Jourdanton sewer:

We request that Field Supervisor Chantan Morin be immediately terminated and prohibited from working with animals in any manner in the future. We ask that he be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for animal cruelty as well as for breaking Texas law which states in what manner animals may be legally euthanized.

We ask for a complete investigation of Jourdanton City Animal Services and their practices and management - including City Manger Dan Nick who withheld all information pertaining to this incident from the City Council and who barely gave a "slap on the wrist" to the perpetrators.

We sincerely hope that this is the first incident of its kind and request that it absolutely be the last.

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