Declare Cirkewwa a Marine Protected Area Now


For the past 25 years the amateur and professional Diving Community of Malta, including the 60,000 diving tourists that visit annually, have been writing and arguing in favour of declaring this gem of biodiversity to be protected and declared a marine sanctuary.
Since joining the EU, Cirkewwa has become a de facto protected area, where it is common practice to prohibit fishing around the wreck.
Despite of this, divers have to resort to calling in the Administrative Law Enforcement (ALE) branch of the police force, to deal with infringements almost on a daily basis. Such infringements also take place at night.
Spearfishing with and without aqualungs as well as the laying of trammel nets (parriti) are two of these types of infringement.
This is an ecological disaster, as the law does not protect this area as a no take zone. The law states that only spearfishing and laying of trammel nets, within the demarcated area of wrecks is prohibited, leaving huge gaps to other type of infringements like the taking of sea urchin, octopus or lobster with one's bare hands.

We call on the government to do the following without further delay:
1) Declare Cirkewwa a marine protected area, prohibiting ALL types of fishing from boats and that angling be allowed only to the south of the dive site.
2)That the enforcement be constant and vigilant, by having the ALE on site 24/7
3)That clear signs be put up at, and to the approaches to, Cirkewwa declaring the site a protected area, as well as the fines involved with infringement.
4) That this marine protected area be declared a NO TAKE zone applying both to live and dead marine creatures, including shells
5) That the fines for breaking the law be reviewed to act as a deterrent, to and not excluding confiscation of boat and fishing gear used in the illegal activity.


We the undersigned, urge you to make Cirkewwa a marine protected area.  The rich biodiversity is being destroyed by uncontrolled fishing and taking.  Although it is common practice not to fish close to the wreck, many still do.  This is because there is no law prohibiting fishing of any kind.  Malta does not yet enjoy a marine protected area, but it is time that something is done.  Malta boasts to have 60000 diving visitors each year, an mpa will only encourage divers to visit.  One of the hardest things divers face is the degradation of a diving site.  We must conserve such sites for our future generations and for the many different species that live there.
We ask for:Cirkewwa to become an mpaGuarding the area 24/7Fines be imposed on law breakersA charge issued on divers/diving schools to dive this site

We thank you for taking the time to read our letter and listen to our urgent plea.
Yours sincerely,

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