Stop The Irresponsible Release of Criminals in the California Valley

Proposal for Court-Mandated Lease Agreements and Proof of Employment to Deter Theft and Squatting in California Valley, CA**

The judicial system's current practice of releasing criminals, particularly repeat offenders with multiple theft charges, into our community is causing significant harm. Despite probation conditions prohibiting further crimes, these individuals continue to victimize the residents of California Valley.
Due to extended response times from our dedicated law enforcement, often exceeding one hour, it is nearly impossible to apprehend and deter these offenders. The lack of social services and unreliable cell service for electronic monitoring exacerbates the issue, making further crimes inevitable.
A critical issue is the absence of permanent addresses for these criminals, leading to squatting on land they do not own. This not only violates property rights but also poses health and safety risks to the community.
To address these concerns, we propose that the court require the following for convicted thieves who have targeted California Valley residents:
1. **Proof of Property Ownership or Lease Agreements:** Ensuring that these individuals have a legal residence within the community.
2. **Verified Employment or Income:** Providing evidence of gainful employment or a stable source of income to reduce the incentive for theft.
3. **Compliance with San Luis Obispo County Code:** Maintaining safe and sanitary living conditions in accordance with local regulations.
Implementing these requirements will help deter theft and squatting, enhancing the safety and well-being of California Valley residents. We urge the court to consider these measures to protect our community.

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