Require Comprehensive Background Checks for All Paid Child Care Providers

  • av: NACCRRA
  • mottagare: U.S. Congress
More than 11 million children under age five are in child care settings every day. National studies reveal that only 26 states currently require a federal fingerprint check and just 16 states check the sex offender registry. As a result, convicted felons and sex offenders could be caring for our children.

The best way to ensure our children are safe and protected from predators and felons in child care is to require comprehensive background checks of child care providers. A comprehensive background check means a check of federal and state fingerprints, as well as checks of the child abuse and sex offender registries.

All children in child care deserve to be in safe, "felon-free" settings that promote their healthy development. Don't subject another child to any less. Urge Congress to protect our children by enacting legislation that will require comprehensive background checks of child care providers.
Dear Decision Maker,

To safeguard the more than 11 million children under age five in child care, I strongly urge you to support legislation that would require all paid child care providers caring for unrelated children to undergo a comprehensive background check, including fingerprint checks. Although many parents assume that child care providers have had a background check before caring for children, particularly in licensed care, the reality is that only half the states require a fingerprint check and only 16 states require a check of the sex offender registry.

All children in child care should be cared for in a safe environment. In light of the fact that about $12 billion in government funding is spent on child care each year, it makes sense to ensure that this money is only spent in child care that is free from felons and predators.

As a member of Congress, you have the opportunity to make this a reality. By supporting legislation that requires a complete background check of child care providers to include both a state and federal finger print check, a child abuse and neglect registry check and a sex offender registry check, you help ensure that the safety and well-being of our children are protected.

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Don't subject another innocent child to potential harm. Pass legislation today that will require comprehensive background checks for child care providers.
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