Fake uggs from China: Dogs skinned for boots

  • av: me
  • mottagare: Women who are buying boots
UK tabloid The Sun is reporting that they have obtained a disturbing video of raccoon dogs being skinned alive to make fake Ugg boots. 

The raccoon dogs (an Asian species related to foxes, jackals and domestic dogs) were being farmed in appalling conditions in China when animal rights investigators filmed the video. Footage shows farmers taking the animals out of a cage, violently slamming them on the ground and then skinning them alive before hurling the bodies on to a heap. 

The fur is passed off as "Australian sheepskin" and then sold to develop imitation Ugg Boots that are sold to millions around the world. 

Note: Fashionist.ca has decided not to publish the provided snapshots or link to similar video footage across the internet because of the graphic nature. The Sun has not released the video in question, but they have published several screenshots of the disturbing footage.
Taken from: http://www.fashionist.ca/2011/10/raccoon-dogs-skinned-for-fake-ugg-boots.html
Dogs are dying for a fashion item and it shouldn't be this way, warn your friends and don't buy them yourself, warn of the dangers of these products and what these dogs are subject to. 
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