Tell Marineland, No More Live Animals at the Park!

Gia was a young beluga, born in captivity in Marineland in Southern Ontario, Canada. She never knew the joy of swimming in the wild before she tragically died, under the care of Marineland, earlier this month.

Gia had an intestinal blockage that was undetected until it was too late. Despite Marineland saying that they did their best, the question remains: why does Marineland still have live animals at their amusement park? Why was Gia not able to swim freely in her natural habitat?

Animals do not prosper in captivity, especially marine animals whose range can span thousands of kilometres. But on top of that, Marineland has a sordid history of animal cruelty charges and is investigated regularly for complaints. They boast the largest group of belugas of any marine park yet imprisoning these majestic animals should be nothing to brag about.

Marineland is home to many different amusement park rides already. There is no reason that live animals need to be subjected to potentially cruel and life-threatening circumstances. The park needs for focus on amusement that doesn't harm other creatures.

Luckily, there is already strong local opposition to Marineland's animal captivity. By standing together and applying loud pressure to Marineland we can help ensure that Gia is the last animal that dies in captivity there.

Sign today to tell Marineland to stop using live animals in its amusement park!
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