Grant National Protection to Gray Wolves: Re-list Under the Endangered Species Act

While Colorado's reintroduction of wolves is a critical win for wolf conservation, we need complete Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves across the country. 

Right now, wolves are being lured from Colorado to Wyoming where killing wolves is legal – they cross a political boundary and basically sign a death sentence. This is one example of how delisting gray wolves in the Northern Rockies has resulted in a piecemeal approach that leaves some wolves protected and others on the chopping block. 

We have the tools and knowledge to coexist with wolves. But without Endangered Species Act protections for all gray wolves, powerful anti-wolf interests and the politicians they have in their pockets are able to slaughter these unprotected wolves in a bloodbath of hatred for these beautiful animals.

Wolves belong. Period. Sign WildEarth Guardians' petition calling for the national protection of gray wolves.

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