Join the Fight to Save Rhinos from Poaching

The facts are clear. Poaching is undoing decades of rhino conservation success and putting African rhinos on the fast track to extinction.

Fact: Africa used to support hundreds of thousands of black and white rhinos. Today, there are fewer than 25,000 of both species.
Fact: Rhino poaching is up 3,346 percent since 2007 -- an all time high. Last year, 448 rhinos were killed in South Africa alone.
Fact: Every day, two more rhinos are murdered for their horn, a coveted resource for poachers.

We've brought rhinos back from the verge of extinction before. With your help, we can do it again.

The African Wildlife Foundation and other groups working on the ground to fight back need your help to raise international awareness. Pledge to help combat the poaching crisis and save rhinos.

- Get informed about the crisis.
- Share your knowledge with your social networks.
- Take a public stand for smarter policy to protect rhinos.
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