The president of the Regional Council of Puglia, suggests a collection of one million signatures - one million is needed to support a cause to the European Community authorities - "if you were not on very short notice for a moratorium on drillings in the Adriatic sea ", which is why" it will be necessary to propose to the institutions, associations and citizens a large petition to the European Union against the oil into the sea. "
ACT NOW: NO MORE oil drillings but MORE hydrogen and renewable energy power plants
HELP US WITH YOUR Signature TO SAY ” No to the drills in the Jonio Italian sea – Save Our Sea”The rally to express their dissent to the demands for permission to search for oil and gas in the Ionian Sea was presented in Policoro; involved Ionian municipalities of Basilicata and Calabria regions and the municipalities of Taranto and Lecce provinces of Puglia.
The Adriatic Sea (closed sea comparable to a huge lake) is now one of the most vulnerable areas of the Mediterranean basin, given the presence of major shipping lanes crossed by oil tankers bound for the ports of the northern Adriatic. An environmental condition already precarious that, however, may be further aggravated by the occurrence of major disasters. Collisions, wrecks or accidental spillage of oil or other toxic materials in water: factors that we hope not to face ever but it is good to take into account. Moves hence the need to create a cross-border network for the prevention of risks and the management of emergencies. In this way you want to not only reduce the risk of pollution and contamination of the Adriatic sea and coastal areas, but also create a shared practice primary care among communities belonging to the Adriatic region.
Italy has all the papers in order to further develop the tourism industry, with all the benefits that would follow for the economy and employment but still disperses energy industry that pollutes. U.S.A. tourists, for example, are fascinated by our centers, we instead mistreat and Italian landscapes. But they are increasingly on the rise Russians and Asians. We need to enhance our heritage, trying to keep it in good condition because this is the real heritage of our beautiful country, as described in the late 1800s by Abbot Stoppani, in his book titled just right “The beautiful Country”: a text that everyone should possess, schools, teachers, politicians, public administrators, as describes in great Italy and its beauty.
This petition will be introduced to Onofrio dr. INTRONA President of the Regional Council of Puglia
He is the chairman of the Regional Council of Puglia 's ninth legislature . Born February 17, 1943 in Bari, where he resides. A graduate in economics and trade qualified as a chartered accountant and auditor. Elected in the district of Bari , is the largest of the supported list " Left Ecology and Freedom " , with more than 7,400 votes and is in his fourth term of office.
Socialist International since 1962 , in 1994 he was appointed regional secretary and member of the executive committee Apulian the SDI .
Councillor of the Region of Puglia 1992-2000 , is commissioner with responsibility for health from 1992 to 1993 .
In 2005, re-elected regional councilor in the list SDI , he was appointed commissioner of public works until June of 2009 and of the environment commissioner until April of 2010.
Municipal councilor in Bari from 1981 to 1984, he held the posts of deputy mayor and commissioner of public works . For the region plays the role of the Special Commissioner of the Provincial Tourism, 1986-1990 .
From 1990 to 1993 he was chairman of the board of directors of " Aticarta spa" of Rome.
From 2002 to 2006, political coordinator of the center of Puglia.
New drilling rigs in the Adriatic
No oil, politicians took the field
Environment, EU Directive on Offshore Industrial Safety
Brindisi: the auger is the law, the EIA is utopia Once again, the fate of the Adriatic, in particular that of Brindisi, will be threatened by the danger of drilling. The law facilitates!
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