Tell the U.S. Postal Service to Ban Shipments of Live Animals

As impossible as it sounds, millions of newborn chicks and ducklings are being sent through the mail as if they were objects like books, clothing, and electronics.

Barely one-day old, these helpless babies are packed in dark boxes without food or water and sent on harrowing cross-country journeys that take up to 72 hours.

Often some of the chicks are dead by the time they reach their destination, which is why hatcheries often toss in "extra" animals just in case. These chicks are males for whom the industry has no use. These boy chicks are so devalued that the industry has even referred to them as nothing more than "packing material."

Farm Sanctuary is leading the fight to end this cruelty. We believe that farm animals should be treated as individuals, not warehoused on factory farms, or boxed, stamped, and sent through the mail without any legal oversight whatsoever.

If you agree that living animals should not be shipped through the mail like catalog purchases, then please urge the U.S. Postmaster General to ban these shipments.

Dear Postmaster General Brennan,

I'm writing on behalf of the millions of newborn chicks and ducklings who are regularly shipped through the U.S. Postal Service. These babies are packed into boxes, and forced to endure journeys of up to 72 hours without food or water. Many are dead by the time they reach their destination.

You have the power to put an end to this abuse and save countless chicks and ducklings from a harrowing experience. Please exercise this power immediately by banning the shipment of live animals through the mail.

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