Stop The Annual Racoon Supper in Gillett, ARK!

Please help stop Gillett's Annual Coon Supper! There has to be another way to raise money for their school.


Every year The high School in Gillett, ARK play's host the annual Coon supper. Let's put a stop to this event! Each year 600-800 pounds of Racoon meat are served at this event. This is considered a political event, every polition in Arkansas must attend this event and eat Racoon meat.

"In most places, a politician has to kiss babies in order to succeed. Arkansas politicians have to eat raccoon.

The small east Arkansas town of Gillett doubles its population on the second weekend of every year as candidates and political junkies gather for its annual Coon Supper.

More than 60 years old, the event has become a required stop for anyone seeking or holding political office in Arkansas. Originally started as a fundraiser for high school athletics, it's now the ultimate meet-and-greet for the state's politicians"

We the undersigned hereby urge Gov. Mike Huckabee, Mayor Layton Mattmiller, and Gillett School District Supt. Johnnie L. Johnson to immediately stop this "fundraiser" and find other ways to support their school.

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