Tell Federal Regulators: Stop PennEast's Application

The PennEast Pipeline Company still hasn't fully documented how much damage its pipeline would have on the environment. But the federal agency in charge of the project rushed ahead and issued a draft Environmental Impact Statement.

Talk about putting the cart before the horse! Issuing an Environmental Impact Statement without data on environmental impacts is irresponsible. Drinking water for millions of people and some of Pennsylvania's cleanest streams are on the line.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has opened a comment period to hear from the public on their so-called findings. This is our best shot. If we can send in thousands of comments, we can force FERC to send this unacceptable Environmental Impact Statement back to the drawing board.

Add your name: Tell FERC to stop PennEast's application until it has collected 100% of the environmental impact data.

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