Free Abdolkarim Nabil Seliman

Abdolkarim Nabil Seliman has been detained by the Egyptian authorities due to objections to his online criticism of Islam and the state. Help us free him and defend freedom of speech

Dear Minister,

You have taken into custody Abdolkarim Nabil Seliman, a blogger who was frequently critical of Islam and the state of Egypt. We are writing to ask you to immediately free this young man. His detention is bad for Egypt.

Egypt has a long, honorable tradition of critical thought that goes back to the famous library at Alexandria (where Abdolkarim is from) and beyond. Please continue that tradition of free thought in the service of an informed populace by freeing Abdolkarim.

Many who are signing this petition are critical of his criticisms, but believe it is healthier for the state for people to air those feelings rather than to let them fester. After all, both Egypt and Islam are larger than the thoughts of one man.

There has never been a blogger arrested in Egypt before. Respectfully, we believe that this is a step in the wrong direction, a step unworthy of Egypt.

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