Stop the Mass Culling of Dogs (Including Pets!) in Tabanan, Bali

  • av: Emily L.
  • mottagare: Local government of Tabanan, Bali
Just days ago, 28 dogs were killed in Tabanan, Bali. Local authorities told residents that the cull was going to happen, but many residents did not get the message, resulting in some (fully vaccinated and sterilized) pets being killed.

Since 2014, the village has seen a number of rabies cases, and the culling is an attempt to eradicate this disease. But local animal welfare organizations are furious that innocent dogs are being killed in a totally inefficient and indiscriminate way. The founder of the Bali Animal Welfare Association has said that killing dogs that are already vaccinated is counterproductive to the fight against rabies.

Please sign the petition today asking that the Tabanan, Bali local government focus their efforts on mass vaccinations and sterilizations to combat rabies, NOT mass killings.
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