Clean Energy Makes Sense

Let Your Voice Be Heard! 
The Bountiful City Council in Utah is planning for our energy needs for the coming decades.  They need to make a choice between coal power and clean energy sources such as geothermal, solar and wind power.   

Do you want clean energy or COAL POWER?  


The only requirement to sign is that you BREATHE AIR, a resource we all share!  

Don't live in Bountiful?

Bountiful is only one of nearly 50 small cities in Utah, Idaho, California and Nevada who are considering long term contracts to purchase power and help finance a third 950-MW coal power plant at Intermountain Power’s facility near Delta, UT. Some of these cities have rejected such a risky contract, such as Truckee, California, several small communities in Idaho, and Logan, Utah. The Logan City Council is instead looking at renewable sources such a proposed geothermal project to help meet future energy needs. In short, if you live anywhere along the Wasatch Front or if you visit along the Wasatch Front this issue affects you and we need your support.
Rocky Mountain Power has recently applied (2006) to the Utah Public Services Commission to build three more coal-fired power plants to serve Utah. The current two coal-fired plants located near Delta, Utah produce approximately 15 million tons of toxins into the air we breathe each year. The building of three more plants would allow for about 21 million additional tons of pollution annually into Utah skies. The City of Bountiful is also considering a long-term contract with IPA. If signed, a 3rd coal-fired plant would be built near Delta, Utah. Each plant produces approximately 7 million tons of pollution annually into our air. We are all aware that pollution along the Wasatch Front is at an all time high. Gratifyingly, Rocky Mountain Power has pilot-tested the market's appetite for renewable energy and now over 51,000 Utah customers draw at least some of their energy successfully from wind power! Logan, Utah has rejected coal-fired power and is researching geo-thermal power. Utah is an excellent source for geo-thermal power. Dr. Brian Moench, an MD at LDS Hospital stated: “Healthy adults will experience a low-grade inflammatory response in their circulatory systems that over many years will accelerate atherosclerosis and affect every organ in their bodies. It means that more people will get cancer of every variety, especially in the lungs. . . . on average the life expectancy of every resident in the valley. . . will be shortened by at least three years, the same amount as if they had smoked a quarter of a pack of cigarettes a day. . . . The impact on children is frequently the most tragic. . . . Eighty percent of cancer is environmentally caused. Childhood leukemia [has tripled]. . . . Children that live in urban smog have an increased incidence of brain and other types of cancer” (Salt Lake Tribune, January 20, 2007, emphasis added). The goal of this petition is to encourage Rocky Mountain Power and Bountiful City to not sign contracts for more coal power, but to research diversifying the sources of energy supplying Utah - currently 93% coal based (53% is the national average) - which will improve our air quality, help prevent further damage to the health of Utahns, and maintain Utah's reputation as a great place to work and play.
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