Learn More About Volunteering Abroad with Cross-Cultural Solutions

Learn More About Volunteering Abroad with Cross-Cultural Solutions

If you've ever traveled abroad, you know how enriching experiencing another culture can be. But have you thought of combining your interest in making a real difference in people's lives with international travel?

Cross-Cultural Solutions gives you the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution, working side-by-side with local people and sharing in the goals of a community that warmly welcomes you.

Taylor's experience at an orphanage in Costa Rica is representative of many international volunteers. "I can't tell you how it feels to see wide smiles and little eyes running to you at 8 a.m. You are the highlight of their day and your presence does change the world, because it changes those children," Taylor says. "I gave them something they otherwise would not have - I gave them love, I gave them my time, and I did it because they needed it, and really looking back, I needed it too."

Make your dreams of volunteering abroad a reality, and engage in an experience that will profoundly enrich your life and the lives of others. Fill out the form on the right to get more information from Cross-Cultural Solutions, a non-profit organization that helps make it easy and safe to volunteer abroad. CCS programs are available in 12 countries, with start dates year-round, and lengths of stay from 1 to 12 weeks.

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