Tell Arizona Lawmakers to REJECT Harmful Utility Bill

Wildfires are continuing to increase in frequency and intensity, causing an urgent need to harden utility infrastructure to prevent wildfires during extreme weather. 

However, Arizona lawmakers are considering a harmful bill (HB 2201)that would shield utilities from liability and make it harder for property owners to recover damages when a utility company's negligence destroys homes. The House-passed HB 2201 is a wolf in sheep's clothing. If it passes the Senate and is signed into law, the bill would only increase the burden on Arizona homeowners and businesses and help utility companies avoid financial liability the next time they cause a wildfire

If signed into law, HB 2201 would increase the burden for Arizona homeowners and businesses and do little to mitigate the impact of wildfires on our communities. Consumers and businesses should not have to pay for the negligence of utility companies.  

We need you to voice your concerns as HB 2201 moves through the Legislature. Together, we can urge lawmakers and the Governor to reject this harmful bill threatening property owners in Arizona.

Tell the Arizona Legislature and the Governor to reject HB 2201.

Dear {{legislator_greeting}}, 

I'm writing to urge you to vote NO on HB 2201. 

This House-passed bill is a wolf in sheep's clothing. While presented as a wildfire mitigation measure, the true intent of HB 2201 is to shield utility companies from financial responsibility when their negligence or lack of maintenance causes wildfires.

Utility companies can already perform wildfire mitigation, they do not need HB 2201. This bill only serves to help utility companies avoid financial liability the next time they cause a wildfire. The ones who will bear the cost of their negligence would be property owners and businesses. 

As wildfires continue to increase in frequency and intensity, there is a real need to harden utility infrastructure and prevent wildfires during extreme weather. That includes real solutions like burying or insulating power lines in high-risk regions. HB 2201 does not provide the solution our state desperately needs. 

As your constituent and fellow Arizonian, I strongly urge you to protect Arizona property owners and Vote NO on this harmful legislation (HB 2201).

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