Severe Charges & Animal Ban if Found Guilty of Animal Cruelty In Illinois

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: The Glencoe Police Department & State’s Prosecutor

Authorities were alerted to a home in Glencoe, Illinois where they found more than 30 dogs living in deplorable conditions as part of an alleged hoarding situation. Most of the dogs were believed to be cocker spaniel mixes. The veterinarian standing by to care for the animals could not believe their numbers; they just kept coming in he stated.

Drs. Levin and Grogman of the Glencoe Animal Hospital states that "Some dogs we're having to sedate just to shave them and one dog took about two hours just to shave it. It's hard to fully evaluate the dogs until they get cleaned up. We're finding skin infections underneath the mats. Some ear tips have become so infected and necrotic they're been coming off, some tail tips are coming off.” Unfortunately, five of the dogs had to be euthanized but the others are being cared for until they can be adopted.

At Tails of Hope, a spokesperson stated, of the dogs, that "A lot of them are very afraid, but one of them has really started to come out.” The dogs lacked socialization with humans but are undergoing special care and treatment, including socialization, to give them a new lease on life.

The investigation and ultimate rescue came as a result of a requested well-being check. At time of this writing, charges were pending but not yet filed. If the owner of these dogs is found guilty of animal hoarding, abuse, cruelty and neglect, we are asking for appropriate charges of felony animal cruelty for each of the animals involved along with implementing a ban on any future animal ownership or care. You can help and gain justice for all these animals by signing and sharing this petition.

The Glencoe Police Department & State’s Prosecutor – Ensure that you find justice for all the dogs involved in the hoarding and abusive situation in Glencoe, Illinois. Do a thorough investigation to determine the scope of guilt on the person involved, implementing the harshest punishment for each animal affected. To avoid any future abuse, the guilty person should then be banned from future animal ownership or care. Speak out and be a voice for those dogs that had to endure undue discomfort at the hands of someone allegedly there to love, care and protect.

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