Give All Girls Hope: A Father's Pledge to Stand Up for Every Daughter, Everywhere

I've always been passionate about issues that really matter to me as a husband and father, like making this planet a clean, safe and prosperous place for my daughters to grow up in.

But my daughters and their friends are the fortunate ones. We can't forget the countless girls and women who live in poverty and whose odds are stacked against them; whose futures seem to hold no hope. Half a billion women around the world still cannot read, 62 million girls are denied the right to education, and 155 countries still have laws that discriminate against women. It's our collective responsibility to give them hope.

I have teamed up with UNDP to fight for gender equality because when we empower women to take control of their lives and their futures, everyone benefits: More children go to school, families are healthier and incomes increase.

In honor of International Women's Day on March 8, please join me by signing this pledge to stand up for the futures of all daughters around the world. It doesn't matter if they are born in Denmark, the United States or other, less fortunate parts of the world – all daughters, everywhere deserve a chance to succeed in life. When we teach our own daughters to take charge of their lives, let's also remember those who don't have the same opportunities. We can help end inequality for all women and girls by:

  • Reminding our daughters regularly that they can achieve absolutely everything in life.
  • Empowering our daughters to be leaders and to give voice to those who are less fortunate and forgotten.
  • Speaking out against child marriage and forced marriage.
  • Supporting policies and legislation that combat violence against women all over the world.

This is a momentous time for our world, as it marks the launch of 17 new Global Goals agreed by world leaders to end poverty and inequality (especially against women and girls!) for good. We must empower all daughters to play an active role in realizing the vision of the Global Goals: a world where every girl, every woman has an equal shot at a brighter tomorrow.

The good news is the world and its leaders are listening. Please sign this petition as a first step toward helping change the world for women and girls everywhere.

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