Justic For Deanna Cremin

Dear Bill Kurtis, President of Kurtis Productions,
This petition is in regards to the 1995 unsolved murder case of 17 year old Deanna Cremin of Somerville, MA. She was murdered 3 days after her 17th Birthday on her way home from her boyfriends house. She was my daughter. I need you to air Deanna's story on your show. We have started email campaigns and are using many other outlets to be heard. I and these kind souls who have signed this petition are asking that you hear us now and help put her killer behind bars before he takes another life, if he has not already done so. There have been calls to the DA, letters, and emails, yet there has been no response. There is a good possibility that there is something to hide, what that is I can only speculate. If you take the small amount of time needed to research this case, you will see that too much is just not adding up. This case should have been easily solved, but something is very wrong and we need to uncover the truth once and for all.
People do care and by obtaining these signatures we have proven that. In Fall 2004, the D.A claimed to have new dna evidence and that she felt they could be close to an arrest. We have not heard from them since.
Please take the time to know who Deanna Cremin was and still is in so many hearts. Deanna deserves Justice.We will not rest until we have found the answers we seek. Thank you very much in advance. Sincerely, Katherine Cremin
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Click on the picture to view an important video message If you or anyone you know has any leads that can help us solve this case, get in touch with the Somerville Police Detective Bureau at 617-625-1600, ext. 7220. Or you can post a comment with a lead, no matter how small on our myspace profile Justice For Deanna
For more about Deanna:
Please visit:Deanna's official website and Stacey's Website for Deanna

----->Note: We are aware justice is spelled wrong on this petition. In order to change it now we would lose all the signatures we have gotten.<-----
To Whom It May Concern,
                                    This is a petition regarding Deanna Cremin's Unsolved Murder. We are asking for help in the investigation to find her killer. We have email campaigns, and many other outlets to be heard. We are asking that you hear us now and help put her killer behind bars before he takes another life, if he has not already done so. There have been calls to the DA, letters, and emails, yet there has been no responce. There is a good possibilty that there is something to hide, what that is I can only speculate. If you take the small amount of time needed to research this case, you will se that too much is just not adding up! This case should have been easily solved, but something is very wrong and we need to uncover the truth once and for all!!!
People do care and by obtaining these signatures we have proven that. Deanna's family was given hope after 10 years of silence in 2004. They have been through so much, to give them that hope and then snatch it away without any real answer as to why was very cruel. Why would they tell them their wait was almost over unless there was compelling evidence.

Please take the time to know who Deanna Cremin was and still is in so many hearts. Deanna desserves Justice!! It is the only right thing to do in this!! If you ignore it you are just saying it is okay to let killers go free. There are many violent killers in the world, many unsolved murders, whether a day or 100 years, they still matter!!

Why must we awake everyday with this knoledge in our hearts. We cannot rest until we have found the answers we seek!!
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