Costco: Stop selling disease and suffering!

A recent Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) investigation shows horrifying abuse of pigs at Hormel’s Farmer John, a major Costco supplier in central California.

Thousands of piglets live in cramped, filthy conditions and are often so tightly packed that they cannot turn around. Disease is rampant, and investigators found baby pigs so sick they were being trampled to death. Antibiotics are regularly given to all the piglets, including one drug that is a known carcinogen, endangering both animals and public safety.

DxE rescued one piglet, Miley, who had collapsed from an infection and was being eaten alive. Watch the video and follow her story here

Costco customers and shareholders do not support these unethical practices and inhumane treatment of animals.

Sign our petition and tell Costco to immediately cut ties with Farmer John and all other companies engaged in similar abuses.  

A recent Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) investigation shows horrifying abuse of pigs at Hormel’s Farmer John, a major Costco supplier in central California. 

Thousands of piglets live in cramped, filthy conditions and are often so tightly packed that they cannot turn around. Disease is rampant, and investigators found baby pigs so sick they were being trampled to death. Antibiotics are regularly given to all the piglets, including one drug that is a known carcinogen, endangering both animals and public safety.

Costco customers and shareholders do not support these unethical practices and inhumane treatment of animals.

Please immediately cut ties with Farmer John and all other companies engaged in similar abuses.  

Signera petitionen
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