Stop Fiscal Irresponsibility - Washington Needs a Fiscal Wakeup

Stuck in a $53 trillion fiscal hole that gets deeper by $2 or $3 trillion a year, America is on an unsustainable path. By 2040, we will be unable to adequately fund education, national defense and other programs our families rely on every day. We must change course, and we need your help. Tell Washington politicians to stop making unfunded promises and to address the rising health care costs that will financially cripple our great nation.

With 78 million baby boomers reaching retirement, the time to act is now, before we leave future generations footing their bill. Help reverse the course and wake up Washington! Please send a letter to Congress now and ask them the tough questions about how they plan to fix the looming fiscal crisis and prevent the foreclosure on our future.
Dear Senators and Representatives,

It has come to my attention that the federal government is in a $53 trillion financial hole that grows by $2 trillion to $3 trillion every year for lack of action by Washington politicians. That amounts to a burden of $175,000 on every American citizen.

These are just a few of many unnerving figures offered in a new primer titled "The State of the Union's Finances", published by the nonpartisan Peter G. Peterson Foundation. I understand that every member of Congress is being provided with a copy of this publication. It can also be found online at I encourage you to read it, if you have not already done so.

After you read it, I respectfully request that you tell me what you are doing to defuse the ticking time bomb that is the federal government's financial condition. I would appreciate answers to these specific questions as well:
  • Do you support balancing the budget over time, and, if so, do you support the strong statutory budget controls and other measures necessary to achieve it?

  • If you have proposed new or extended tax cuts, who will pay for them and how?

  • How do you propose to address the long-term growth in the major entitlements - Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - and to create more flexibility in the budget?

  • How do you propose to reform our tax system?

  • How do they propose to reform what the government does and how it does business?
[Your comment here]

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
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