Commit to Peace

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal."

Today we call for everyone to honor the International Day of Peace by making the commitment to work for peace.

The idea of worldwide peace may seem idealistic and far-fetched. But the best way to work for peace is to start at home.

Volunteer as a mentor for youth. Read up on what's happening in Colombia, Darfur or other areas experiencing conflict. Attend an event celebrating a culture different from your own. Organize a group of friends and family to participate in a global sound healing event. These are only a few ways any one of us can work for peace.

Care2 is proud to have a global community. If each of us takes a step towards promoting peace in our local areas, we can spread peace all over the world!

Join us in our commitment to peace, and share how you intend to work towards peace today.

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