Fight Back To Protect Animals On Organic Farms!

U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) just killed a rule that would have helped to protect 40 million animals on organic farms from cruelty.
The extremely popular Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices rule, known as the "Organics Rule," created meaningful protections and higher animal welfare standards for farm animals raised under the organics label.
For instance, it banned painful practices such as de-beaking and tail docking, limited how tightly animals could be housed at farms, and clarified the meaning of "outdoor access" for egg laying hens to mean that birds actually go outside rather than stay in enclosed covered porches. Transporting animals too sick or injured was also prohibited in the final rule.
Without this rule, factory farmers will be able to continue tricking the public by simply saying that their products are organic and charging higher prices – without adopting the stronger welfare standards, which consumers expect of organic products.
While the decision has been made, we aren't about to give up the fight for animals. We can't allow this administration to chip away at animal welfare protections unopposed.
Sign and tell this administration that this is not the end and we will not back down. Together, we will continue to fight them every step of the way to protect animals on organic farms.
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