Help Save Calleigh

I took Calleigh to a dog park to play with her friends when some bylaw enforcement came along and told me they would be investigating and would be in touch in a month, they came back less then a month later with paper's to go to court. Im am being Charged for owning a prohitibited pitbull dog. Calleigh is a very loving dog who touches everyone who has met her, she is very well behaved and listens to anyone, if you have spent any time with her you would know how much she is loved and give's her love to you and anyone she is around.

Calleigh Jamie and I thank everyone who has taken the time to Sign this. We love our dog more then anything in the world and we would also Do anything for her to keep her save from poeple who will try to hurt her. she is an Angle sent to us from God and God has blessed us with a very good dog. Calleigh your Mommy, Daddy and all your family love you very very much xoxo
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