Fewer - Not Newer - Nuclear Bombs

At the end of World War II, two atomic bombs destroyed two Japanese cities and killed tens of thousands of people. Today, the United States still maintains thousands of nuclear weapons and has thousands more in storage.

Yet the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is planning to upgrade the entire U.S. nuclear weapons complex, returning our country to a Cold War-style infrastructure of designing, developing, and producing new nuclear weapons.

Fortunately, a mandatory environmental review of the DOE's initiative allows you to critique this ill-advised plan -- and they have recently extended the deadline for comments to April 30.

Please sign our petition and tell the DOE that we don't need the capacity to build NEW nuclear weapons -- we need to take the lead in moving toward a world free of nuclear weapons.

Dear Mr. Wyka,

The Cold War is over and the United States still has thousands of nuclear weapons. I do not believe that this country needs a vast nuclear weapons complex and the capability to develop and build new types of nuclear bombs. Instead, the United States should be showing leadership in pursuing a world free of nuclear weapons. Your plan, known as "Complex Transformation," takes us down the wrong path.

I support efforts to reduce the nuclear weapons complex and ensure the safety and security of our remaining nuclear weapons and nuclear materials.

Complex Transformation undermines global efforts to prevent other countries and terrorists from developing or acquiring nuclear weapons. It undermines our credibility as a nation committed to nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament. The message to others is "do as I say, not as I do."
Nuclear weapons are a grave and growing threat to human civilization. As our nuclear arsenal is reduced, the Department of Energy should focus on downsizing the nuclear weapons complex and on the safe storage, dismantlement, and disposal of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials. We do not need the capacity to build new nuclear weapons.

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