Support National Animal Rescue Day!

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  • mottagare: Your U.S. Representative
In October 2007, Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-NJ) introduced a bill in Congress to designate the first Saturday of every October as National Animal Rescue Day in order to
"create awareness for animal rescue programs throughout the year, address the challenge of overpopulation through continued spaying and neutering of adopted pets, and bring Americans together as a Nation to support this common goal."

Had Congress acted on this bill, October 4, 2008 could have been the first National Animal Rescue Day. Help us make sure October 3, 2009 is National Animal Rescue Day - ask your representative to support this legislation to promote animal rescue and pet adoption today!
Dear Representative,

I am an animal lover and I support Representative Robert Andrew's efforts to designate the first Saturday of every October as National Animal Rescue Day (H.Res.749). As many as four million dogs and cats are euthanized in animal shelters every year. This loss of animal life is tragic, and a National Animal Rescue Day would help to promote both the need for pet adoption as well as educate and raise funds for spay and neuter programs to reduce animal overpopulation.

Please help save homeless pets by supporting a National Animal Rescue Day.
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