End Bear Hunting

We The People have united to abolish the act of hunting bears. We denounce the act of killing such a wise and intelligent animal in the name of sport. We want to guide people towards mercy and understanding of our environment and bears. There is no need or necessity for any one to hunt or kill a bear for food or as a “sport”.

Together we unite to do what ever is necessary by law to preserve all the nations of the bear.

Sign Now and Help Bears TODAY!

End Bear Hunting

To The American Humane Association:

Please take this petition on behalf of all Americans trying to preserve and protect bears throughout the world.

It is imperative we act immediately to ensure not another bear is killed, nor another motherless cub risk starvation, because its mother was “harvested” on a trophy kill. Together we can stop the merciless hunters from killing bears even if hunters claim to eat who they kill. There are far too many supermarkets in the world to accept any further excuses. Hunters us bait scented like honey and chicken to lure bears into their traps. Some hunters use dogs to chase a weary bear until it surcomes to fear and its wounds. Regardless if the hunter uses arrows, bear traps or bullets do not allow another bear to die in such humility. Hunting is not a valid option for population control. Hunting, poaching and exploitation for profit are bringing some species of bear to the brink of extinction.

Together we will end bear hunting, and find better, safer ways to help the bear.

Life is of the utmost importance. Death is unacceptable.

Petition To End Bear Hunting:
We The People have united to abolish the act of hunting bears. We denounce the act of killing such a wise and intelligent animal in the name of sport. We want to guide people towards mercy and understanding of our environment and bears. There is no need or necessity for any one to hunt or kill a bear for food or as a “sport”.

Together we unite to do what ever is necessary by law to preserve all the nations of the bear.

Sincerely yours,

Jami Rodger
Panda Paws
Protecting Bears In Their World
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