Save Koalas from Extinction

  • av: Christiane Henker
  • mottagare: Sussan Ley,Matt Kean ,The Hon Scott Morrison MP,CITES,IFAW,FourPaws

Australia has lost one-third of its Koalas in the last three years!

Australia´s Koalas are in great danger from habitat loss, bushfires, climatechange.The  bushfires in Australia have killed 6,382 koalas and burned more than 13.1 million acres in the Australian state of New South Wales, much of which was prime koala habitat.

The government must ensure sufficient remaining native habitat is maintained as an emergency refuge for koalas and other wildlife and ecological processes.

Please don't let this iconic species go extinct .

I urge the Australian and New South Whales Government to classify Koalas as endangered to give them the protection they need to survive!


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Thank you so much!

Uppdatera #13 år sedan
Australia has lost one-third of its koalas in the past three years
please continue to sign, share, support the Petition ! we can not let Koalas go extinct! Thank you so much!
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