Pledge to Protect The Ontario Greenbelt

One of Ontario's most treasured resources, the Greenbelt is home to more than 1.8 million acres of protected lands which provide millions of Ontarians with access to outdoor recreation such as hiking, biking, beaches, camping and winter sports, while also protecting the farmlands that feed us and insuring that future generations can benefit from the same fresh air and water that we enjoy.

In all of these ways the Greenbelt contributes every day to our quality of life and our optimism for a healthy and sustainable future for our children, our families and our communities.

You can help by taking the pledge today:
I pledge to celebrate the Ontario Greenbelt and all it has to offer Ontarians. I will eat local produce, drink local wines and juices, and get out and enjoy the thousands of outdoor recreation opportunities available within it. Every chance I get, I will share this treasure with those close to me in my family and my community!
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