Protect Bear Butte a National Monument

Newly proposed construction of a 600 acre Biker Bar / Concert Venue threatens the environment, wildlife habitat, water quality, and the freedom of religious practice of indigenous peoples!
Does Meade County really want another huge Biker Campground to peddle alcohol next to an internationally recognized historical, cultural and spiritual site?

A plan to develop the largest biker bar with a raucous music venue is being planned by Jay Allen, Arizona entrepreneur. Allen intends to have this biker playground in operation by Rally 2006. This venue will feature a drive-through bar, a natural amphitheater where bands can play loud music, where traffic will increase, adding to the noise, pollution and accidents near Bear Butte State Park. Bear Butte, the same mountain that many people hold as sacred and where many tribes have been praying for thousands of years.

The well being of Bear Butte is of concern to all of us who live and work here. Bear Butte is also a treasure to many other people, nationally and internationally. Meade County does not receive revenue from state alcohol taxes. However, law enforcement costs skyrocket during rally time and local taxpayers must foot the bill. County alcohol citations for DWI, as well as drug charges keep rising each year. Total arrests are up from 405 to 448 in 2005. Policy makers may find these figures insignificant, but they become very important when a drunk driver kills a relative or friend.

In addition to law enforcement costs, who is going to pay for additional cleanup? Trash, refuse, beer containers, liquor bottles, oil and other contaminants would be in full view and litter the landscape. The decibel levels inflicted on Bear Butte and the surrounding area would be disrespectful, especially for American Indians that are worshiping at Bear Butte. These loud intrusions should not be permitted. The bar like behavior that is extending beyond the boundaries of the city of Sturgis during the rally is becoming an unruly burden for all area residents. Those residents who cherish a peaceful, wholesome environment for their families will be subjected to even more lewd behavior. We do not think the answer is to give this behavior a wider berth. This business venture impacts more than one individual entrepreneurs "vision." This will affect the quality of life for area residents and for everyone who holds Bear Butte dear to their heart. There are already a sufficient number of adult entertainment venues that rally goers can participate in--the market is saturated. We hope the people of Meade County will be respectful and block any more development within the view or earshot of Bear Butte.

This biker-bar-campground, that Allen originally wanted to name "Sacred Grounds," (now changed to Sturgis County Line) will have long-range implications affecting many generations to come. Bear Butte and the surrounding area is indeed sacred ground and this encroachment of sacred land must be stopped. South Dakota state lawmakers recommend a four mile buffer zone to begin at the State Park boundary to maintain the sanctity of Bear Butte.

People throughout the world who are aware of this new development idea are appalled at such a venture. Let us show the world that we are sensitive to civil and human rights all year long. Let us stand together for the protection of this sacred site, as we are all responsible for our future generations.
Meade Commissioners set beer license approval hearing date for Jay Allen's Sturgis County Line for Tuesday, April 4th, 2006 at 3:30 p.m. The hearing will be held in the Meade County Court House, 1425 W. Sherman St., Sturgis, SD. 

Approval of alcohol permitting in Meade County is contingent on two criteria, bar location and the character of the applicant.
Meade County Commissioners must deny approval of Sturgis County Line's 2006 beer license.

Please sign the petition and also contact your local, tribal, state and federal legislators to express your concern regarding the growth and expansion of ambitious urban developments that endanger our protected sacred lands. Stand up and speak out for the protection of Bear Butte.

Meade County
1425 W. Sherman St.
Sturgis, SD  57785
Meade County e-mail:
fax # 605-347-5925

Meade County Commission; Chair & 
Campground Committee member
Robert Mallow
PO Box 477
Black Hawk, SD 57718
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